10 tube light connect in mcb breaker.one tube light is
fault.so breaker is tribe.how fault is rectified.(using 3wire
how u change the vector group of a transformer like DYN1 to ynd11
how to calculate the step resistance for slipring induction motor,how you deside the no of step for that?
Why are the laminations insulated from each other?
How phase to phase voltage comes 440V.
what material used made for the resistance,for the purpose of zero temperature coefficient?
what is high voltage in india?
what is the operation of Control Module(CM),MONITOR Module(MM), MONITOR Module DUAL (MM2),Signal Module(SM),Isolator Module(IM), please some one reply me.. the operation and application of these in FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS...
principle of power export and import in captive power plant.Is it depends upon voltage,current or frequency?Plz explain briefly.
how to select a air/vacuum circuit breaker.is there any thumb rule???
If a ACB breaker is tripping and closing problem, then what will we check internal..?
What is the difference between single phase, 2phase, and 3 phase motors?
Electromagnetic torque developed by the motor is compared to shaft torque. A less B same C depends on motor design D more