1. what is the purpose of creation of universe than other
data sources ?
2. which is the best method in performance tuning techniques ?

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1. what is the purpose of creation of universe than other data sources ? 2. which is the best meth..

Answer / babu

Universe creation in other data source is to get more info
or which not possible in the same universe like(more than 2
fact tables ) in the way we can go for more than one data

Performence tuning :
Universe level
1.universe should be Indexed on key columns
2.Increase Array fetch size.
3.Make short cut joins
4.Delete unnessory joins.
5.Use less no of Aliases
6.Use less Outer joins
Query Level:
1.Disable LoV for measure objects
2.Create filters(condition objects) at universe level
Report level
1.Create less no of variables
2.create comoplex logic in D/B level.

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1. what is the purpose of creation of universe than other data sources ? 2. which is the best meth..

Answer / ranu

Universe is a semantic layer in BO. it provides a user
Business friendly view of database fields. So user can
create their own report based on the object from universe

For performance tuning:
There are following areas we can tune the perfomance
1.Database level:
*by tuning SQL
1.Making less joins
2.Using less functions
3.Using Indexes
4.using aggregation
5.Not using Like function
2. Using high performace Server and OS on which BO would be
3.Universe Level
By setting appropriate Parameters
By increasing Array fecth Size
By setting appropriate Case Size

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1. what is the purpose of creation of universe than other data sources ? 2. which is the best meth..

Answer / gowthami

would like add few points:
At report level,
1. Remove unused objects from the result objects panel
2. Remove unused variables from the report
3. Prefer prompts(query level filter) instead of using report level filter or input control

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