Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table.
(there is a column SALARY)

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / k.prashanth

from emp
where sal in
(select max
(sal) from emp
connect by
prior sal<sal
group by level)

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / manoranjan sethy

Method 01:
Select Ename, MAX (Sal) From Emp
Group by ROWNUM, Ename
Having Rownum <=5;

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / vivek dubey

this Query is wrong : " SELECT ENAME,SALARY FROM (SELECT ENAME,SAL FROM EMP ORDER BY SALARY DESC ) WHERE ROWNUM<6; " because We can not use Order by clause in SubQuery.

This Answer gives you the right data :

) AS empsal

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / ajay dond

select salary from (select distinct salary from employees
order by salary desc)
where rownum<6

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / ram

select ename,salary from(select ename,salary from emp order by salary desc) where rownumber<6

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / kishore

select salery from (select salery from
emp order by salery desc) where rownum <=5 ;

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / manjunath u

select salary from(select salary from emp order by salary
desc)where rownum<=5;

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / alex, n.y [microsoft]


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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / kavitha nedigunta

select a.*
from(select empno,ename,sal
from emp
order by sal desc nulls last)a
where rownum <6
order by sal desc

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Write a query to find five highest salaries from EMP table. (there is a column SALARY)..

Answer / mohammad murtuza ali

select * from emp as(empname,empsal,empdesc) where rownum<6

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