What is an invalid partition table?
How do I run a program in pl sql?
What is set transaction?
What are the difference between Functions/Stored Procs and Triggers and where are they used.
how do u call in & out parameters for stored procedures?
10 Answers A1 Technology, TCS, Techicon,
Explain the rollback statement?
What is Difference Between delete and Truncate?
What is the syntax to add a record to a table?
Differentiate between sga and pga.
Which one of the following is a reason that an INSERT statement might cause an error instead of executing correctly? 1. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a view that was created from more than one table. 2. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record using a combination of constants and values from an existing table. 3. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record with a non-NULL value into a table that has that column defined as NULL. 4. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a table by selecting a record from that same table. 5. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a view rather than a table.
Is a table valued function object?
What is the Difference between Procedure and Function.Can we call a Function in a DML?
What are all the different types of indexes?