Write a query to find the name of employees those who have
joined on Monday.(based on column hire_date)

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Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_..

Answer / arun kumar reddy

select * from
(select emp.*,to_char(to_date(hiredate),'day') as join_day from emp)
where join_day like'mo%';

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Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_..

Answer / sankarapandian

select *,upper(datename(dw,gedate())) as dayofweek from
employee where upper(Convert(varchar(15),datename dw,gedate

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_..

Answer / mohammad murtuza ali

select firstname,lastname from hire_date where
select firstname,lastname from hire_date where

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 15 No

Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_..

Answer / priya

select firstname,lastname from hire_date where to_upper
(to_char(hire_date, 'mon')) = 'MON' ;

since hire_date is of date type converting the date to
again of date type is of no use.Need to convert it to
string type and select the month.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 8 No

Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_..

Answer / ravindra

Select first_name,Last_name
from employees
where To_date('Hire_date','Day')='Monday'

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 21 No

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