How do you know what you need to deliver or do in your project?

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How do you know what you need to deliver or do in your project?..

Answer / a.barakat

you can know what you need without open any drawing from
1 - specification of project.
2 - B.O.Q. of project (bill of quantity).
3 - project time plan.

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How do you know what you need to deliver or do in your project?..

Answer / sathishrpillai

First understand what the project is, in your own way.
Get a clear picture of it,then think of the complexities
that you could face,solve those problems first,arrange a
perfect team which the project needs.Explain to the team
members that why have you choosen them instead of others
explain the reason.Team members must have a clear picture
of the project,divde the project into smallest possible
modules then distribute it among the team.Team members must
be made clear of the frame of the project.Follow the
software development cycle and get the desired results.

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