How do you assign tasks to your team members?

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How do you assign tasks to your team members?..

Answer / megha

Team Member will send a mail to PL once the task is
completed then

PL will assign the new work to Developers and sends a mail
to him with Low Level Design document

PL Will update the WBS/MS project with resource name
against the task start /exp end date

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How do you assign tasks to your team members?..

Answer / akki

1. Plan for the task is created and maintained in the
project schedule / PM tool being used.
2. Free suitable resource/s to be identified.
3. Task would be assigned to the identified resource. It
would be communicated through email/team meeting/verbally
depending on the task type, no. of resources involved and
location of the resource is offshore/onsite

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How do you assign tasks to your team members?..

Answer / surya

Prepare the schedule and assign the resources and share the complete schedule with the stake holders.
This way, team members will be aware of their sequences of tasks and their timelines which will be tracked on timely basis.

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How do you assign tasks to your team members?..

Answer / suresha

during the team meeting

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