How will gather requirements and where do you record. Is it
in word / Excel or do you have any tool for that ?

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How will gather requirements and where do you record. Is it in word / Excel or do you have any tool..

Answer / megha

There are different Requirement Gatherign tech

1. Brainstorming
2. Questioning
3. Interview
4. Prototyping
5. Workshops
6. Observation
7. Checklist


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How will gather requirements and where do you record. Is it in word / Excel or do you have any tool..

Answer / pac

There are various ways to record the record the
requirements. Some of them capture it in Word, or Excel
files. But there are tools to do that. For example DOORS
from telelogic is a very popular tool used by many of them.

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How will gather requirements and where do you record. Is it in word / Excel or do you have any tool..

Answer / sarika gupta

There are many ways to document the requirements like in MS-
word, Excel, visio, MS-Project and tools avaliable in
market like Rational perquisite-pro, Rational Rose,
Rational Clear quest.
I records the requirement in microsoft word document and
sometimes in excel as our company having no licence for
other tools.

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