What is the basics of Agile/Scrum development?

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What is the basics of Agile/Scrum development?..

Answer / suvir

Where the requirements are evolving at very fast rate and
customers wanst the deliveries in very short frequency.

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What is the basics of Agile/Scrum development?..

Answer / anumula

=>Agile software development refers to a group of software
development methodologies based on iterative development,
where requirements and solutions evolve through
collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams.
->principles behind the Agile are:
* Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of
useful software
* Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather
than months)
* Working software is the principal measure of progress
* Even late changes in requirements are welcomed
* Close, daily cooperation between business people and
* Face-to-face conversation is the best form of
communication (co-location)
* Projects are built around motivated individuals, who
should be trusted
* Continuous attention to technical excellence and good
* Simplicity
* Self-organizing teams
* Regular adaptation to changing circumstances

=>Scrum is an iterative, incremental framework for project
management and agile software development.
->It has a product backlog (The product backlog is a
high-level document for the entire project ,kind of
WBS)which contains main features etc.
->Iterations are called sprint here,each sprint backlog
contains chosen tasks from product backlog depending on
priority of features or functionality to be released that
the client/customer(Product owner) decides.Each sprint
duration varies from 2-4weeks, Estimations for each task are
set by the Team.Each end product of a sprint is a productive
and usable piece of code.
->Daily scrum is a daily stand-up meeting(status meeting)
conducted by Scrum master(Project manager in scrum) with the
->askes 3Questions- 1)% of work done?
2)what are u palnning to do today?
3)any issues?
->The sprint burn down chart are used which is a publicly
displayed chart showing remaining work in the sprint backlog.

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What is the basics of Agile/Scrum development?..

Answer / pankaj

Agile development is used to make software development
process quick. Mainly for small to mid size software
development where complexities and team size is not big,
this approach helps to get software development done
quickly. In Agile development we do not require to document
each process and do things step by step. Here the
development approach is lean.

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What is the basics of Agile/Scrum development?..

Answer / surya

Agile methodology is used to minimize the risk or surprise at the end of the project.
A project is divided into a small projects which has its own SDLC. In case of any failure, the impact will be very minimal i.e. impact will be only on that specific bit of the project.

Scrum is to maintain the transferancy of the progress with the stake holders and to cross check the achievements of the milestones.

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What is the basics of Agile/Scrum development?..

Answer / mfsi_chinmayb`

An iterative incremental framework for managing projects
commonly used with
agile software development. See also agile software development

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

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