If during some stage down the life cycle, the initial
requirements change, what will you do? How will you handle
any changes in the requirements?

If during some stage down the life cycle, the initial requirements change, what will you do? How wi..

Answer / mike jr.

Large scale changes in requirements may require a separate
engineering study to understand the costs and benefits of
the proposed change. But by the wording of the question, a
decision has already been made to change the requirements.

As a requirements analyst, the first thing that I would do
is to call together the immediately impacted stakeholders in
development and test to discuss the change. I would present
the proposed change and allow for negotiation of wording.
Then I would enter a change request (CR) to document the
change and to gain approval. Once approved, I would change
the requirements document and check the changes into a
source control tool like DOORS, VSS, or ClearCase. I would
then change the status of the CR to resolved or closed.

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