Tell me difference between sap bi & business object dw/ reporting?
How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?
How would you weigh a plane without using scales?
Who is responsible for managing the requirements in your project?
HI every one i want be mainframes mvs admin interview questions.
How do you ensure that you are consistently meeting the requirements during various stages in the life cycle of the software product?
Why is it that hot water in a hotel comes out instantly but at home it takes time?
If you are on a boat and you throw out a suitcase, will the level of water increase?
What will you do if you find that you cannot meet the requirements?
what are the purposes of a requirements document?
If during some stage down the life cycle, the initial requirements change, what will you do? How will you handle any changes in the requirements?
Explain falls method?
Explain the contract review process followed in your project?