The power required for size reduction in crushing is???
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Answer / bariumesh8
proportional to Surface energy of the material.
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Answer / dinpa
Power is directly proportional to surface energy of material.
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all subject of chemical engg
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.28 : In the development of a small engineering facility for biochemical processing, completed contract method is applied in its construction accounting. In a short contract period, let the (contract price) = A. Let the (costs to date) = B; (estimated cost to complete) = C. (a) Find the values of : (i) estimated total costs; (ii) total estimated profit; (iii) percent completion to date. (b) If the project contract is 100 % completed : (i) find the total gross profit recognized; (ii) what is the exact numerical value of C?
How can you keep our seawater used for heat rejection clean before entering our heat exchangers?
where can i get previous question papers of GATE in chemical engineering
When specifying a cooling tower, should I look up historic wet bulb temperatures for my area or should I take measurements?
What is microstir?
Question 56 - The kinetic behavior of an enzyme could be described using Michalis - Menten equation : Vo = Vmax [S] / (Km + [S]). Derive this equation from [ES] = [E]total [S] / (Km + [S]), Vmax = Kcat [E]total, Vo = Kcat [ES].
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.23 : An engineering company would like to produce 10000 units of control instruments. Let selling price per unit = $10, variable cost per unit = $2, overall fixed cost = $30000. (a) Calculate the income obtained when all units are sold out successfully. (b) Find the overall cost of production. (c) Calculate the percentage of gross profit obtained based on the answers in (a) and (b). (d) Find the minimum units that need to be sold out successfully in order to prevent losses. (e) How many minimum units of instruments that need to be produced in order to prevent losses, if all units produced are sold out successfully?
CHEMICAL ENERGY BALANCE - EXAMPLE 11.5 : According to Margules Equation, P = x(1) p(1) g(1) + x(2) p(2) g(2) for a two-component mixture where P is bubble pressure, x is mole fraction, p is saturation pressure, g is constant given by ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2). Find the value of A as a constant when P = 1.08 bar, p(1) = 0.82 bar, p(2) = 1.93 bar in a 50 : 50 mole fraction mixture. Estimate the pressure required to completely liquefy the 30 : 70 mixture using the same equation, by proving P = 1.39 bar. Take note that ln g(2) = x(1) A x(1), ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2).
Question 100 - (a) Time evolution in Heisenberg picture, according to Ehrenfest theorem is m (d / dt) < r > = < p >, where m = mass, r = position, p = momentum of a particle. If v = velocity, prove that m < v > = < p >. (b) Lande g-factor is given by Gj = Gl [ J (J + 1) - S (S + 1) + L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ] + Gs [ J (J + 1) + S (S + 1) - L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ]. If Gl = 1 and under approximation of Gs = 2, prove by calculation that Gj = (3/2) + [ S (S + 1) - L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ].
ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY - EXAMPLE 16.3 : In the design of a solar power system steps of calculations below are followed : (a) The power output of the inverter of the solar panel is 100 watts. What is the power input, Pin to the inverter when the efficiency of the inverter is 50 %? (b) If the rated power of the inverter is 300 watts, how many inverter is needed for the solar panel? (c) Charge controller of V = 12 volts is used to supply power to the inverter. What is the input current I to the inverter? (d) If the charge controller capacity is 10 A, how many charge controllers are needed? (e) If a biochemical mixer consumes 100 watts, running for 2 hours per day, what is the energy consumption in kilowatt hour per day? (f) What is the input energy needed when the efficiency of the inverter is 50 %? (g) If your area receives 2.88 hours of full sunlight per day, how much energy, in kilowatt hour can be produced per day when one solar panel can produce 20 watts of power? (h) If you know that you have to produce total energy as the answer for (f), how many solar panels are needed? (i) Each V = 12 V battery has 5 ampere hours. If the total energy needed is in answer (f), then how many batteries are needed to run the biochemical mixer if without sunlight for 3 days?
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING - QUESTION 22.2 : Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) could be calculated using the formula BOD = (DOi - DOf) (Vb / Vs) where Vb = Volume of bottle in ml, Vs = Volume of sample in ml, DOi = Initial dissolved oxygen in mg / L, DOf = Final dissolved oxygen in mg / L. (a) By using a bottle of Vb = 300 ml with sample Vs = 30 ml, find the BOD if DOi = 8.8 mg / L and DOf = 5.9 mg / L. (b) By using a bottle Vb = 600 mL with sample Vs = 100 mL, find the BOD if DOi = 8.8 mg / L and DOf = 4.2 mg / L. (c) Find the average BOD = [ Answer of (a) + Answer of (b) ] / 2. (d) If the BOD-5 test for (a) - (c) is run on a secondary effluent using a nitrification inhibitor, find the nitrogenous BOD (NBOD) = TBOD - CBOD. Let TBOD = 45 mg / L and CBOD = Answer of (c).