what is the difference between power transformer &
distribution transformer and what are their ratings
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Answer / navdeep singh
power t/f is used in h.v lines or mean to say that step up
or down the high voltage .and it is used at the power
plant ,gen station , substation, its rating is 11k/132
kv ,11kv /220
distribution t/f is used in l.v lines or means to say that
it can step up and down low voltage .it is planted at near
to the load its rating is 11kv/440v
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Answer / karthikeyan
They differ with efficiency and losses.
Power transformer should have considerable Iron losses.
But in case of Distribution transformer it is rated in All
Day Efficiency(Since it is ON throughout the day).
Hence it should have minimum Iron Loss to have better all
day efficiency.
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Answer / p.mathavan
A power transformer is one in which, it is provided for a particularmachine. say for example; induction hardening m/c whenever the m/c works, the Tr also works.if u switch off the m/c it wont work.
A distribution transformer works , through out day and night whether the load is there or not. so only we are finding the allday efficiency.we can find this transformerin the streets.
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Answer / shariff
Power trf is used for the transmission purpose only with step up or step down and they are EHV grade. They are usually rated in MVA only and they will be of big in size and it is a costliest equipment of that utility.
Dist. Trf is only used for the steping down the voltage at the end of the load side, small in size operates in KV and rating will be in kVA.
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