Constitutional amendment recently,
What is judicial activity ?
what is the meaning of judicial free dom?
What is the salary of Prime minister of Inia
Where is the objective of ?Social Justice? included in the Constitution of India?
Who formulated the People's plan for India in 1944?
10 Answers KPSC Karnataka Public Service Corporation,
national song of india
Definite hypothetical situation of course: Assumptions, Obama is president/joe biden in the cabinet Buffet,Colon Powell. Scenario we as the public will not at the time be aware of. Warren Buffet says to Colon Powell if you can cover my food actually getting to the starving people you got it. Possible ramifications? pleae
Constitutional amendment recently,
What is address of syed shahabuddin, leder of samajwaji Party?
who appoints chief seceratory ?
who is the highest law officer of state? 1 attorney general 2 advocate general 3solicitorgeneral 4secretarygeneral,law department
5 Answers Attorney General, MPSC, SSC,
give an example how u would manage time and leave administation