difference between regression testing and re testing?
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Answer / pavan
If a tester finds a bug and after developer fixes that bug
we once again do the testing in order to check the
validation of the bug fixing.
If a tester finds a bug and after developer fixes that bug
we retest and also check whether these enhancements or bug
fixing have any side affects on the unchanged code.
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Answer / ashok
Retesting : Testing the application on the same built
soppose tester found the bugs and developer fixed it.
tested the fixed issues on the same built is called
Regression: Testing the application on the different built
Suppose: if the tester found the bugs, and Developer fixed
it and they relised the new version of the build. so
testing on the new version on the built is called Regerssion
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Answer / maheswar
re testing:testing the build with multiple test data
regression testing:if the tester find any defect he /she
inform this defect to development team.developement team
fixes that bug, aagin send to the testing team for testing
again whether bug is fixed or not,or the newly developed
build giving any side affects to other modules or not.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / harikrishna
Re-Testing :after the bug was fixed the Test Engineer Re
execute the failed testcases to check whether the bug was
fixed or not.
Regression Testing : some times Reexecute some selected
passed testcases also to check whether are there any side
affects during the bug was fixed
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ram
retesting is testing the same build with multiple test data.
where as regression testing is done after the bug fixes or
after any enhancements are done.in regression testing we
not only test the test case where the defect was found but
we also check some related test cases to make sure if the
fix or enhancement has affected any related functionality.
this is done on the new build after bug fixes or
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / jules
making sure the specific change, or new piece of
functionality works as expected.
Regression testing.
Making sure everything else around the area that has been
modified still works as expected. and the developers
haven't unexpectedly stuffed up part of the existing system
when making the changes.
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Regression Test:
Regression testing attempts to verify that modifications have not caused unintended adverse side effects in the unchanged software (regression faults) and that the modified system still meets its requirements.
Whenever a fault is detected and fixed then the software should be re-tested to ensure that the original fault has been successfully removed.
Re-testing and Regression Testing:
It is imperative that when a fault is fixed it is re-tested to ensure the fault has indeed been correctly fixed.
There are many tools used in a test environment today that allow a priority to be assigned to a fault when it is initially logged.
We can use this priority again when it comes to verifying a fix for a fault,particularly when it comes to deciding how much time to take over verifying the fix.
For example if you are verifying that a has been fixed in a help file, it would probably have been raised as a low
priority fault.
So you can quickly come to the conclusion that it would probably only take a few minutes to actually verify the fault has been fixed.
If, however a high priority fault was initially raised that wiped all of the customers stored data, then you would want to make sure that sufficient time was allocated to make absolutely sure that the fault was fixed.
It is important that consideration of the possible consequences of the fault not being fixed properly is considered during verification.
Another important factor when it comes to testing is when there is suspicion that the modified software could affect other areas of software functionality.
For example, if there was an original fault of a field on a user input form not accepting data.
Then not only should you focus on re-testing that field, you should also consider checking that other functionality on the form has not been adversely affected.
This is called Regression Testing.
For example; there may be a sub-total box that may use the data in the field in question for its calculation.
That is just one example; the main point is not to focus specifically on the fixed item, but to also consider the effects on related areas.
If you had a complete Test Specification for a software
product, you may decide to completely re-run all of the test cases, but often sufficient time is not available to do this.
So what you can do is cherry-pick relevant test cases that cover all of the main features of the software with a view to prove existing functionality has not been adversely affected.
This would effectively form a Regression Test.
Regression test cases are often combined to form a Regression Test suite.
This can then be ran against any software that has undergone modification with an aim of providing confidence in the
overall state of the software.
Common practice is to automate Regression Tests.
To assist you on what to additionally look for when re-testing, it is always a good idea to communicate
with the Developer who created the fix.
They are in a good position to tell you how the fix has been
implemented, and it is much easier to test something when you have an understanding of what changes have been made.
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Answer / avish
Re Testing: Once the Bug is fixed Tester has to test the
same bug with multiple number of times with different data
and different scenario. Also once tester find the bug he
has to test multiple number of times bcoz whether the bug
is reproduceable or not.
Regression Testing: Once the Bug is fixed tester has to
test whether bug is fixed or not also test whether the
impact of the bug is shows in other application
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / deepthi
Retesting : Testing the application again in the same
testing conditions ie.same testing
Regression testing : Retesting the application after fixing
the defects.
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Answer / rajeshwar rao
in any application new funcunality can be added so the
application has to be tested to see whether the added
funcunality are affected to the existing funcunality are
in other words when the bugs where fixed by the developers
we have to test that application due to bug fixing there
will be a proabality of accruing some other bugs else where
in the program.
Retesting means Execution of test with multiple test data
to validate this function is called as retesting
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