what is the distance maintained between the power and data
cables with respect to the KVA .... plss give me the
What is handover and what are its types?
• The silicon of a new device has memory leak. When all "0" are written into RAM, it reads back all "0" whithout any problem. When all "1" are written, only 80% of memory cells are read back correctly. What can be possibly the problem with the RAM?
Explain why does sidebands vl come in case of analog modulation?
Darlington is used for ??
why do you choose ece?
What are gprs services?
What is handover?
what is BGA? what is the use of BGA?
What are the applications of comparator?
What is the difference between Analog circuit and Digital circuit?
respected sir, I am Diptiranjan swain have already applied as IFFCO GET ONLINE FORM-2013.kindly,send me one set of previous year question paper.