What is handover?
Explain how many mosfet switches are there in dynamic ram?
being an ece student why you choose a software company?
8 Answers Cognizant, Pluto, Wipro,
what is an industrial electronics engineer ? what he does ? what specialities and experties he should have ? what are the difference between industrial electronics engineer & electronics engineer & electrical engineer ?
When do we need drive test?
What are the causes of failure of mosfet in an high frequency application?
what is tha address of program counter ?
1 Answers HCL, Honeywell, TATA,
In micro controller individual pin output current is 1.6ma .Normally to blink a led we need minium 10-12 ma. But if we connect led to the micro controller pins without additional device it blinks. How it is possible
design and or nor not nand x or tables?
Define what is demodulation?
why transformer used to mention in KVA
3 Answers Emerson, TeleTech, Wipro,
explain double side band and double side band -substrace carrier
What is Interleaving? Why do we need it?