I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there
is a written test i.e)aptitude contains basic grammer,20
aptitude ques,basic networking ques.pls help me to clear
this test.

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I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / suraj

first of all u give question paper

Is This Answer Correct ?    80 Yes 10 No

I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / d.s. suresh rathod

I am interested in BPO non voice process in HCL BPO,there
is a written test i.e)Aptitude contains basic grammer
, 20
aptitude questions,basic networking questions. please help
me to clear
this test.

Is This Answer Correct ?    57 Yes 6 No

I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / deepak

what are the interview rounds in hcl and what are your interests?

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 0 No

I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / d.s. suresh rathod

Can i have question paper please.

Is This Answer Correct ?    53 Yes 15 No

I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / rajendra yadav

Could you please provide me the question sheet? I will
really try to solve it with hundered perecent accurecy.

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 10 No

I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / banita sahu

PRACTICE on grammer, aptitude and networking que..
sources are : U can use Internet,
Books available in market. Then u ll clear the test for
U only can help urself in this case!
i would appreciate if u could share the ques..

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 5 No

I am interested in bpo non voice process.in HCL BPO there is a written test i.e)aptitude contains ..

Answer / aarthi.j


Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 4 No

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