there are 5 ppl's in a circle all must wear hat either
white or black
1st condition: atleast 2 must wear white
2nd condition: atleast 2 must wear black
3rd: they should not talk each with other

Question: How they come to know which colour of hat they
are wearing

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there are 5 ppl's in a circle all must wear hat either white or black 1st condition: atleast..

Answer / saurabh shukla

they cant talk but they can see

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there are 5 ppl's in a circle all must wear hat either white or black 1st condition: atleast..

Answer / nandkishor lokhande

2 ppl canknow what thay wear


there must be 3 ppl of same color.

and other 2 can see them in same color and can gess that he
have different color than them.

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there are 5 ppl's in a circle all must wear hat either white or black 1st condition: atleast..

Answer / daveying99

The problem asks us to figure out a way to let every member of the group of 5 can know the color of every person't hat including himself.

The 5 people are i a circle, looking to the inside of the circle. A person cannot see his own hat color. But he can look around to see the hat colors of the 4 other people.

The following is my solution. The 5 agree before hand to each notice the hat color of the person on their right side. and look directly at another person in the group that has the same hat color that no one is yet looking at.

So for a person to know his own hat color, they must just look at the person on the right of the person who is looking at them. That's the hat color they have. The other 4 people can be seen just by noticing around,

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there are 5 ppl's in a circle all must wear hat either white or black 1st condition: atleast..

Answer / pradeep

In the 1st condition, only 2 people are wearing white hat.
In the 2st condition, only 2 people are wearing black hat.
There are 5 ppl and the 5th person can tell who all wearing,
and what are the colors.

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there are 5 ppl's in a circle all must wear hat either white or black 1st condition: atleast..

Answer / sakthi710

The fifth who is not wearing any hat can tell other four members about the color of hat.

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