To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in
diameter are used as rollers. How far will the safe move
forward when the rollers have made one revolution?

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To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / anagha

diameter = 7cms
radius = 7/2 cms
circumference = 2*22/7*r
= 2*22/7*7/2
= 22 cms is the distance moved.

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To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / mukesh t

21.98 cms

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 4 No

To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / googydeath

It moves a distance of 2*3.14*r which is 21.98

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 4 No

To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / sanjay vaij

Rollar movement 22cm+safe movement over roller 22cm

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / santosh sawant

its 29cms,
first roller moves 22cms as (22/7)*7=22
but 2nd roller is ahead of 1st, if they are touching with
each oter distance between thrir centres is 7cm ie.
2nd roller moves 7cm ahead hence distance travelled by them
is 22+7=29cm

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / sowmiya

here we have 2 cylindrical steel bars
so we hav twice of 22,i.e,44cms....

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To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / desi_dhakkan

does it really move???

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To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / krishnaveni

the distance it moves is=2*pi*7cms

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 10 No

To move a safe, two cylindrical steel bars 7 cms in diameter are used as rollers. How far will the..

Answer / ragavan


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