In web page there is five OK buttons available, while
recording i click on 3rd OK button, How QTP identify the 3rd
OK button while running script? Is qtp identify 3rd ok button?

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In web page there is five OK buttons available, while recording i click on 3rd OK button, How QTP ..

Answer / mahendar

While recording the tool will captur all the properties and values... And it stores in the local object repository based on what are the settings made by you initially.... So that tool will identity the object when u play back

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In web page there is five OK buttons available, while recording i click on 3rd OK button, How QTP ..

Answer / qtphelper

If its record and play back definetely it should work using
smart identification mechanism in QTP. If its not recording
and you are adding objects to the OR and while writing DP
then we should go for ordinal idenitifier.

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In web page there is five OK buttons available, while recording i click on 3rd OK button, How QTP ..

Answer / steveaustin

its is similiar to ARRAY ..cmd button property.. like if
we have more no of character represented as
as like this qtp create's a unique values for the cmd button
cmd1,cmd2.. according to the userdefined names to the cmd
button for their corresponding action to be executed at the
time of their function call

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In web page there is five OK buttons available, while recording i click on 3rd OK button, How QTP ..

Answer / sandeep.yerraguntla

In QTP object properties can b recognised using object spyq
in that object spy window select identify properties radio
button it will show all the child properties of the
particular selected object.

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