Is it possible to return multiple values from a function..?
Then how..?
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Answer / satish j
It is possible to return multiple values from a function?
Here I am taking the return values in an array and using
them as I want
mynum1 = 0
mynum2 = 0
dim linklist(2)
imax = ubound(linklist)
Function fncl1(ByRef mynum1,mynum2, x , y)
If i= 0 Then
z = "+"
Select Case z
case "+"
mynum1 = x +y
msgbox mynum1
fncl1 = mynum1
End select
z = "-"
Select Case z
case "-"
mynum2 = x- y
msgbox mynum2
fncl1 = mynum2
End Select
end if
End Function
For i=0 to imax
linklist(i) = fncl1(mynum1,mynum2,5,4)
If linklist(i) = mynum2 Then
Exit for
End If
msgbox linklist(0)+linklist(1)
msgbox linklist(0)&","&linklist(1)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / rico
One way of getting mutiple values from function is by
passing values "ByRef" to the funtion and storing the
return values in the one or more arguemnts passed to the
Ex :
mysum = 0
msgbox mysum ' return 0
mysub = 0
msgbox mysub ' return 0
Function fnmul(byref mysum, mysub, x , y)
mysum = x + y
msgbox mysum 'return 9
mysub = x - y
msgbox mysub 'return 1
End Function
Call fnmul( mysum, mysub, 5, 4)
msgbox mysum 'return 9
msgbox mysub 'return 1
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / rico
If we pass the parameters by "Byval" the last two msgbox
statement will return "0"
Ex :
mysum = 0
msgbox mysum ' return 0
mysub = 0
msgbox mysub ' return 0
Function fnmul(byval mysum, mysub, x , y)
mysum = x + y
msgbox mysum 'return 9
mysub = x - y
msgbox mysub 'return 1
End Function
Call fnmul( mysum, mysub, 5, 4)
msgbox mysum 'return 0
msgbox mysub 'return 0
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 3 No |
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