what was the largest sale that you have lost?
Explain me what is your understanding of medical terminology? : insurance health
What is the best for the company - team work or individual excellence?
How can we utilize your skills?
why is it important for HR management to transform from primarily admininistrative and operetional to becoming a more stratgeic contributor?
how can i apply for summer training course at Artech India Pvt Ltd.also i want to know the mail id and contact no of this company.how can i get that?
What should I do if I do not have all the documents?
Dear Sir i am working in Infosys pune. I am thinking of doing MBA partime. Could you please list the universities in pune. Which have good Campus placement
Can anyone tell me how can i get benefited if I am an MBA(HR) with LL.B background?Do I have more opportunities than only MBA'S? If so which industry is best for me to utilize my degrees? Where would i get more opportunities?
What all MLM Company is required to SEBI Registration for Business. What The SEBI takes Action at MLM Company. IF Yes Then How ?
What procedure codes are you most familiar with? : insurance health
Please tell us about your work experience as HR generalist? What was your work profile in your last organization?
How are these services essential for a company?
Mention what are the excuses customer usually makes to get away from debt payment? How to deal with that?
Who is an ideal team worker according to you?