How much Strength of the cube can attain in 7days comparative 28 days strength?(as per IS code) ( specify the ref.clause also)
8 12685Post New Civil Engineering Questions
How to calculate cement and river sand material Qty for waterproofing base coat and finish coat
how calucate cement sand ratio for plstering
what is flashing?
what is labour consume factor in residential projects
i have applied 40mm spacer in the concrete for tie beam. is it correct? kindly give me if there any code available
What is the diff b/w ROAD TUNNEL & RAILWAY TUNNEL ??
What are the different types of civil engineering?
HDPE pipe standard bends using for TSE irrigation? is it possible to use 30 degree?
1.what is the mix proportion for cement soil compressed earth blocks? to calculate the mix proportion for cement stablised earth soil blocks?
How to calculate construction cost of residential building in mumbai
what is the formula to find the diagonal shape stirrups?
what are the changes in concrete pour height as per IS 456, 2009?
can you mail me detailed procedure,entire syllabus and practice papers of mpsc civil engineering branch.I am in third year now
I just got a first job in Maharashtra and m a fresher. My task is estimate the cost of excavation of earth with J.C.B. can anyone tell me how to do this??
percentage of metal,clay or soil & water in water bond macadam roads to know the quantities for each in total volume of 11500 cubic meters