there are 100 test cases. and u got a bug at 85th test cases. u reported it to dev and dev fixed that bug. when u r doing regression testing from whic test case u'll do tetsing?? will start from 85 th test case are u'll execute 100 test cases??
15 19356while reading specification documents if u got any doubts or u think the specification should be clear or when u think some changes should be there in specifcation docs, or u find the difference in FRS and Design docs,whom do u report this??
4 6954u posted a bug with screenshots and steps to reproduce but still the developer is not accepting this is a bug. in dev system it is not reporducing . how u'll convince he developer? (if the developer is in india or onsite(give the answer for both the cases)
8 11619What is User Acceptance testing and when u'll do this and who will do this testing. If u got any bug while doing UAT what would be the status of Severity and Priority?
6 15618
Write test cases for this scenario if a job fails it should get restarted again this should happen for three times if it fails again then it should quit?
Hello, Is there any source from which i can get any live tutorial or trial of Automation tools?? Also i have a query that is there any certification course or exam available for Automation tools QTP and QC?
In what occasion we can specify global sheet and action sheet?
What should we say if interviewer asks "What is ur project architecture?".......Can any one help me with clear information.?????????
give an example of unit test and integration test and system test and UAT test?
what is the difference between section & test feature in test case documention?
Give an example for step definition using “given” function?
name poneno dept sun 9894433467 computer This is the xls sheet a programs written to transfer this data into database write test cases and test scenario?
What is the loadrunner start-transaction and its syntax?
What the different types of test coverage techniques are?
what is the difference between Test-bed and test topology?
What are the testing kinds that can be supported by selenium?
Hi there, I've installed a trial version of QTP to see if it works with my product but I cant automate selecting windows from a tree view? Can anyone give me any pointers? Many Thanks
Define Quality testing ?
What type of projects can include in Logistics Domain? and what is the type of domain for project which include Driving license renewal, Different type of title registration etc...