Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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In BP2013, Loperamid HCl monograph. Assay by titration with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using hydrocloric acid 0.01N and reading the volume added between the 2 points of inflexion. I have a question that if the diluent solvent is ethanol is certainly consumed a amount of volume of titrant, so this volume must be eliminated on the result calculation or not apart from first point which is subtracted above.


If i performing one analysis on C8column then the same analysis done on C18 column then what will happen about Rt;Resulution;Peak shape Explain ?

1 7386

what is peak purity? how may types of methods to determine peak purity?


3 13528

why using Potentometry What Purpose? differance between manual and potentiometry? why using Some of materials in usig potentiometry? What is use of mericuric acetate in Potentiometry


1 5033

iam using ph instrument lab india make.3ponit and calibration time 3point slope will come 98.89and 96.87.that limit is 85 to 105.what basis slope will come.any calucalation between them.5point wiicome slope 99.89?why 3p0int came 2 values

1 4633

iam usig ph buffers merk. manually how to prepare ?


Sulphated Ash incresed it will effect on product yield?

Biocon, Lupin,

3 4850

in loss on drying Why follows on constant weight not more than 0.5 mg, any region


1 13855

difference between selectivity and specificity

Troikaa Pharmaceuticals,

2 12290

when we talk about change in entropy we consider total entropy means of surround +entropy of system but when we talk about change in Gibss free energy we consider entropy of system.explain with reason.



differnc btw c18 and c-8 column


3 12269

use of stry light

1 6495

when we have polar type of sample and solvnt hen which type of stationry phase we have to use

3 6555

what is motor rotation in case of sucrose

1 3386

why equlirium conatant of water have 14 value

GVK Biosciences,

1 2644

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

what is mean by peak intigrity?


What is the difference between spectro meter and spectro photo meter?


Why we select scan range from higer wavelength to lower wavelength in uv visible spectroscopy and ftir spectroscopy ? .


why octanol used to determine the partition coefficient ?


on saturation solubility study data how we can find out the bcs class of drug?


is it nessesary to do solution stability for 7 days?


For titration in anhydrous media with perchloric acide, if lack of titrator, Which indicator is been used for replacement. How calculate pH of test solution to choose suitable indicator?


In HPLC Calibration, On which basis RSD Limit of noise test is fixed (NMT 33.0 % )


what is the acceptance criteria for enteric coated tablets in 0.1n hcl validation in each parameter?


what is the different in Total ash, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic or non alcoholic ash?


effect of pore size, pore volume, partical size, column length, carbon load on retention time? what is carbon load? what is the use?


Hi sir if any product monograph not given known impurities (may be 5 impurities) specifications then how we require to proceed for inhouse formulation?


How can we calculate "confidence interval" in analytical method validation? Pl. explain with example.


How can the GC or HPLC method is selected to determine the impurity profile in drug product?


how to calculate elemental impurities?