Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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why reference flow required during hplc analysis on rid?

1 5086

why hydrogen and zero air used for flame ignition in gc?

1 8614

How we get DST moisture 15.4-16.0%. what is the calculation or method behind it.

2 25318

What is viod volume and peak purity in HPLC?


what is the results if we use ODScolumn instead of BDS column ,(ther parameter is same for column) in assay method ?

3 9613

How we performed the force degradation for drug substance, is any specific guideline is available for each parameter(Acidic, basic, oxidation,heat)? what conditions you mentained for above parameters.


what is the use of tap density apparatus? why we calculate it? what is the difference between the bulk density and tap density?

Alchemist, Alembic, Apex,

1 4056

from where i get mortar pastle for glass bottle crush? it's required for testing of it?


what is the procedure for cleaning of lenses of hatr accesory of ftir instrument?


What is the difference between void volume and delay volume in HPLC?

3 18619

What is the purpose of octyl silane columns?


how many types of Proceing methods?

Reddy Labs,

8 11734

What is the column performance and column efficiency?

Reddy Labs,

2 14812

What are the primary standards?

6 11694

why we want incorporate area of each solution of Intermediate precision and repeatability as well as Accuracy ? What is the use to incorporate area of each solution of Intermediate precision and repeatability as well as Accuracy ?

1 3940

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Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

what is the different in Total ash, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic or non alcoholic ash?


how to set sample and standard concentration in RS method?


about method developement in hplc


What is a difference between potency and purity?


What is related substance by HPLC impurity limits as per USP?


for heavy metal test lead used in which form pure form or any other form for preparation of lead standard sol


A ha tc is actual defination of retention time?


how require to select dissolution media? what is discrimination?


on saturation solubility study data how we can find out the bcs class of drug?


What is delay volume?


What is dose dumping? why require to do?


which one is better separation in high pressure liquide chromatogram orlowpressure chromato gram in hplc


what is the origin to prepare standard operating procedure


How do we quantify crystaline and amarpous forms by using (NMR, XRD)spectroscopic techniques? Which any others instruments are useful for this quantification? explain


in sampling of raw material which side is pasted sampled labels