Bio Informatics Interview Questions
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How to run DOCK 6 using cygwin?

1 5833

What are the main signals used for gene finding in prokaryotic genomes? How are these signals introduced into the search algorithms?

1 2849

What are the main approaches of predicting protein interactions using genomic context analysis?

1 3048

What is the main idea of maximum parsimony in phylogenetic tree construction? What are the drawbacks?

2 5007

Bootstrap analysis evaluates evolutionary trees by sampling columns from the original alignment with replacement (multiplying or removing some of them) and computing a proportion of times that a particular branch appears in the resulting trees. What is the main idea behind this approach?


Which of the following sequences contains the pattern [AG]-x (4)-G-K-[ST] from the PROSITE database? seq. A: VAGWGKST seq B: GVLKRGKS seq. C: AGVLKGRT seq. D: AGVGKSTP

5 6077

If a match from a sequence database search is reported to have an E-value of 0.0, should it be considered highly insignificant or highly significant?

3 4686

Suppose you used the NCBI Blast server to look for a match to a fruit-fly gene. Suppose further that the best alignment contained this section of an alignment: Hit from database: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNFSTSQ user sequence: SLEAEAAPASISPSNFSSSQ What do the Xs signify?


4 6601

How you caluculate sensitivity and selectivity of Blast?

2 7432

which instrument is most commonly used to observe the external features of grasshopper's abdomen?

1 9033

How can i do the Homology Modeling of GPCR receptor successfully? My target identity with template is only 27%

4 4606

what is the length of the exon and intron

3 6195

what is e value?

4 9217

What are the responsible factors for extinction of flora and fauna ?


3 11428

How is the respiratory system applied to the sport paintball?

1 3636

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Informatics }

What do you think are the more interesting areas of bioinformatics?


what is a qi number?


How to predict the function of a gene (product)?


What is enzyme-ligand interaction?


What is the input and outpit of a distance based algorithm?


What is the criteria for LTQ (LC-MS/MS) SEQUEST search?


How do you find the most recent human sequence data in the data bases inorder to determine physical maps?


What is a homologue?


NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA


Did integral membrane transport proteins arise as an independent protein class or from other types of proteins?


How did you get into the field of bioinformatics?


What is the difference in terms of connectivity between a scale free network and random network?


Will the plant able to produce electricity when the soil is dried up


What are oesophageal molecular markers?


What is C-compliator?