New Product Development Interview Questions
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what are the artifacts maintained for resource planing and management


how will you identify the best resource for specific requirement

1 4283

what are the basic knolwedge required for resource manager


who are the key stake holders in resource management

1 3394

what are the ways to find out the effective ness of the propsed resource plan


what are the roles and responsibilities of people manager and project manager towards resource planning and management

1 8102

what are the successful methods available for resource planing

1 6743

what is the difference between testing and quality analysis



what are the roles and responsibilities of a QA engineer as well as QA lead


1 6902

is QA expects any level of interaction from development engineer !!!



what are the usual metrics one have to apply for SW improvement projects



what are the priliminary expectations from smoke testing from developer and QA point of view



how many types of testings usually flow in different phases of SDLC



what are the expectations of QA from unit level testing



is all the test cases to be automized !!! if yes / no let explain the reason



Un-Answered Questions { New Product Development }

in SW development who will be the owner of the perticular requirement and what is his responsibilities


"The procedure of hiring fresher’s in CEI is as follows. They follow a four level procedure for selecting any fresher to be part of our highly skilled technical team. These include: 1. Written Test 2. Technical Interview 1 – Conducted by CEI Developers 3. Technical Interview 2 – Conducted by CEI Project Managers 4. HR Discussion The written test is divided into 3 sections as mentioned below: 1. Logical: Critical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning – 30 Questions 2. Quantitative Aptitude – 25 Questions 3. Technical Questions – 25 Questions Logical: These questions primarily test the analytical and critical thinking skills of the applicants. It tests the most integral skills of the applicant, the logical consistency in thought, understanding and processing data and making valid conclusions from them, and out of the box thinking. The best part about logical reasoning is that it does not require any learning or prior knowledge. Example: • If the positions of the first ten letters and the last ten letters in the English alphabet are interchanged such as that the first and the seventeenth the second and the eighteenth letters are interchanged and this continues till the tenth letter is interchanged with the twenty-sixth letter, which letter will be the fifth to the right of the twelfth letter from the right after this rearrangement? • There is a 3 digit number. The sum of the digits is 17, and two of the digits are the same. The unique digit subtracted from one of the other digits equals a positive even number. What is the digit that is different from the other two digits? Quantitative aptitude Section consists of questions related to Simplifications, Data Sufficiency, and from the topics of Arithmetic. For e.g.; Fraction, Profit and Loss, Combinations and Permutations, Percentage problems, Ratio, Probability, Allegations and Mixtures, Time and distance, Time and work, Measurements, etc. Example: • A sales person by mistake multiplied a number and got the answer as 3, instead of dividing the number by 3. What is the answer he should have actually got? • A traveler walks a certain distance. Had he gone half a kilometer an hour faster, he would have walked in 4/5 of the time, and had he gone half a kilometer an hour slower, he would have walked 2 ½ hours longer. What is the distance? • Two taps A and B fill a tank in 12 and 20 hours respectively and a third tap C empties it in 15 hrs. In how many hours will the tank be filled if the taps A and B are opened simultaneously and C is opened after two hours.? Technical Section consists of sections related to basics concepts of programming languages, and some basic entry level programming are given to assess the applicant’s ability to solve the program. Example: • An alternate to using interrupts for I/O devices is • The main advantage of using indexes is • PRODUCT Product ID Product Description Manufacturer ID MANUFACTURER Manufacturer ID Manufacturer Name Referring to the above table, what type of relationship exists between the Product table and the Manufacturer table?  Once a candidate clears the written test they will be considered for the second round."


between which phases the planning phase exists in SDLC


Why is it that a single, all – encompassing metric cannot be developed for programme complexity or programme quality?


Why your company can not complete the project? On your website stand, that you are specialist for Typo3! Do you know sure the website


Hi I want to test regarding cookies.. Session should be good for 4 hours and once expired user is returned to login page.. How can i test the session is good for 4 hrs?? Whether i need wait for 4 hours?


disk swapping is a feature used in


who are the stake holders in gathering requirement of a new product


what is the important of Risk analysis and how to track it in SDLC


what are the major differences in requirement when compared among SW project requirement and Product requirement


what are the priliminary expectations from smoke testing from developer and QA point of view


Why you do not refund the customer his money?


Host and Agent are the component associated with which tool?


what is the defference between test specification and test plan?


Is it normal in your company, that you do not pay penalty, if that is agreed in contract?