You are given two candles of equal size which can burn 1 hours each. You have to measure 90 minutes with these candles.( there is no scale or clock). Also u r given a lighter.
1 21208John weight twice as much as Marciua. Marcia weight is 60% of Bob's weight. Dave weight s 50% of lee weight 190% of john weight. Which of these 5 person weight the least?
1 3551I am less than 6 feets tall but more than 2 feet taal. My height in inches is a multiple of 7 and is also 2 inches more than a multiple of 6. What is my height in inches?
1 6963Find the 3 digits no. whose lat digit is the sqaure root of the first root of the first digits and second digit is the sum of the other two digits. And the number is divisble by 2,3,6,7. what is the number?
1 4721Write an email to the client when your project is going to be released but unfortunately many major bugs are found and your lead is absent on that day, now you are the leader of the group and you have to release the build.
1804HI Friends. this is balu. I am looking for testing job in chennai. If u know anything regarding job information. pls send a mail to me
what are the basic knolwedge required for resource manager
explain the basic QA plan to co-op with development plan for effective delivery of the product
Is it normal in your company, that DRC System do not complete projects?
How to write testcases while we know only the datatypes for the fields
what are the expectations of QA from unit level testing
I have COG-132, COG-112 Latest Dec-2009 dump. If anybody need these dumps. Please send me a mail to
when Delivery Consultant job will start in a project?
Explain the architecture diagram of your current project?
Q1. Write a Defect report if 99 th row of the spread sheet crashes?
What are the best four continual testing methodologies to use when developing a website?
i have array that contain 100 records but i want read 1 to 10 only in cobol?
what are the parameters / dependencies to be considering while planning
hi can anyone provoide SRS for order processing system and intranet plz
Explain the deployment process?
Can u explain me banking domain projects? And in banking domain projects how many dimension tables and how many fact tables and how to load source and targets in mapping level Please explain give me one example