Highlight four principal dangers that are deemed to be security threats to information systems.answers should include a detailed explanation as to how the threat is a danger to the security of an IS. b. identify 6 software control that can be implemented so as to safeguard information system to ensure that dey perform according to management standards. c. For each software control describe how it safeguard and information system.
2328Use a search engine on "application service provider (ASP)"or other related terms to find what service(s) an ASP provide to its clients who are looking to acquire IT applications.make a note of the name of the ASP and there website address,List a mininmum of six service that are provided by an ASP.
1 3877determine a minimum of of four advantage that the ASP has over the SDLC option to acquired IT
1 4225you have given estimation to your customer for 15 days and later it requires more days then how will u handle this situations...
2056Post New Estimation Analysis Questions
who is/are the stake holders in accepting the estimation for specific requirement
Highlight four principal dangers that are deemed to be security threats to information systems.answers should include a detailed explanation as to how the threat is a danger to the security of an IS. b. identify 6 software control that can be implemented so as to safeguard information system to ensure that dey perform according to management standards. c. For each software control describe how it safeguard and information system.
please share your learnings in estimation and retrospects towards the same
you have given estimation to your customer for 15 days and later it requires more days then how will u handle this situations...
what are the basic loop holes in estimation evaluation