SSC General Studies Interview Questions
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If the price of an inferior good falls, then its demand (a) Rises (b) Falls (c) Remains constant (d) Can be any of the above


3 12323

The Marginal Utility Curve slopes downwards from left to right indicating (a) A direct relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity (b) A constant relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity (c) A proportionate relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity (d) An inverse relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity

1 4065

Mohammed-bin-Qasim conquered Sind in the year (a) 712 A.D. (b) 812 A.D. (c) 912 A.D. (d) 1012 A.D.

4 7858

Shahjahan built the Moti Masjid at (a) Delhi (b) Jaipur (c) Agra (d) Amarkot

2 6187

The sales-line ?Owner?s pride, neighbours envy? is related to (a) BPL TV (b) Samsung TV (c) Videocon TV (d) Onida TV

2 6208

For oil and gas security, India has invested in production fields abroad. In which of the following production companies do the Indian PSUs hold shares? (a) Saudi Aram Co. (b) Sakhalin-I (c) Petronas (d) Chevron Texa Co.

1 3728

The words ?Satyameva Jayate? in the State Emblem of India were taken from (a) Upanishads (b) Samaveda (c) Rigveda (d) Ramayana

BSNL, CPRI, High Court, Karnataka Bank, Tata Teleservices,

12 37314

Edward Jenner is associated with (a) Cholera (b) Typhoid (c) Small pox (d) Paralysis

1 3850

A plant with compound leaves is (a) Papaya (b) Coconut Palm (c) Peepal (d) Hibiscus

1 14623

The scientist who explained about blood circulation for the first time was (a) Antonyvan Leewen Hock (b) William Harvey (c) Gregor Mendel (d) Ronald Ross

2 11542

The earliest city discovered in India was (a) Harappa (b) Punjab (c) Mohenjadaro (d) Sindh

5 13093

Very strong and cold icy winds that blow in the Polar regions are called (a) Typhoons (b) Tornadoes (c) Blizzards (d) Polar winds


2 17022

How does the consumer benefit with VAT? (a) It removes tax on tax and thus reduces price-rise (b) It reduces the cost of production (c) Due to the abolition of the sales tax (d) Due to the exemption of small business from the tax within certain limits prescribed by the State

RIMC, State Bank Of India SBI,

2 9091

Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune because (a) Mumbai is on the windward side (b) Pune is at a greater elevation (c) Mumbai is a coastal city (d) Pune has greater vegetation than Mumbai


3 14761

The sum of the first 8 terms of a geometric progression is 6560 and the common ratio is 3. The first term is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

1 5247

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Chola's local-government had assemblies of