SSC General Studies Interview Questions
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hi friends, could anyone tell me what could be the final cut off for CGL 2008 based upon the initial cut off for interview i.e 310 for inspector and 353 for assistant. and also if anyone could tell me the no. of post based upon the no. of student selected i.e. 5300 approx


1 3408

which is the biggest enterprise of the government of india?

India Post, Indian Railways,

2 17861

The maximum duration of zero hour in lok sabha is a)30 min b)1 hr c)2 hr d)unspecified

CDS, Cipla, PSC, PSCWB, SSC, UPPSC Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, UPSSSC Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission,

21 96793

earth-fault relay is? a)directional relay b)non-directional relay c)protective relay d)admitence relay


2 5949

can u plz send me the questions of ssc combined graguate level exam to


2 4064

there is very wide sylabus of GS, I want to prepare for SSC combind grduate level exam will held in april anyone cam me right syallabus for SSC and also coaching center in Gurgaon

1 4301

sir plz send me last 5 year ssc tax asst.paper plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzz


1 4165

i want tips about gs for ssc combined graduate level

1 7638

Please send me last 5 year solved question papers of Canara Bank as well as Bank of Baroda to my e mail id



Please send me last 5 year solved question papers of Canara Bank as well as Bank of Baroda to my e mail id

Canara Bank, SkyMail,

4 7336

How is your subject 'sociology' helpful in banking sector?

Corporation Bank,

1 16783

Demonstration effect means (A) effect of advertisement (B) imitating effect of consumption (C) effect of entertainment (D) effect of an experiment


4 11009

i m preparing for ssc combined graduate level examination.plz reply for my need


1 3592

Which is the multi-purpose river valley project constructed on the Indo-Nepal border?

4 7141

Which place is the birth place of A P J Abdul kalam.


6 10896

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Can anybody tell me how to prepare for the interview of SSC Scientific assistants


Please send me last 5 year solved question papers of Canara Bank as well as Bank of Baroda to my e mail id


Chola's local-government had assemblies of


i am appearing an examination of assistant inspector of excise and the matter of fact is, i have no clue. can anyone help me out with likely questions?????