Certifications AllOther Interview Questions
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can someone give me an idea about informatica certifications Thanks in advance


2 7391

can any one give about the COGNOS and CRYSTAL REPORTS certification details?



pls send me ISTQB model papers or previous papers foundation and advanced special thanks in advance


3 5795

For WebSphere MQ clients on some platforms, if a security exit is not defined, the values of two environment variables MQ_USER_ID and MQ_PASSWORD are transmitted to the server. On which of the following platforms are these environment variables used?






hi i want to do isqtb for testing . can you suggest me a center?

3 6311

Murali Raju I would also be intrested in persuing qtp certification could you send me the tutorial . My email is nikhilaram@gmailcom. Can you also let me know where i can get the certification details like fees and the center information. Thanks Nikhila.

Cap Gemini,


Hi Friends i have plan to do certifcation in mercury Automation Tool QTP.But I Didnt get any clear details regarding course syllabus,fees and where to approach so can any one send me the details


CMMI certification procedures

Ibilt Technologies,

1 6786

ever green tropical forest are found in which parts of india?

1 4109

I am currently into Telecom Testing doing some Protocol- level testing(SIP,SS7,CAP protocols) and some Black-Box testing.Is there any certifications which I can do related to this?



Hi, Is there any training availble for qtp/winrunner? thanks, sheetal

3 5901

please give us the detail about the company HESS CORPORATION , 1-11 Jhon street London


Hi all,Can any one provide me Informatica Designer Certification dumps.I need all three papers dumps.If any one has these dumps then plz send it on this id:- amrita657@gmail.com. Thanks in advance


17 18538

i would like to learn free fluent english by online is this possible? could you gime some usefull websites to my mail id nagesh.iloveu64@yahoo.com



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I wish to write informatica Designer certification course. can u send me the dump questions


can we format tables and Graphs in SAP Bex using HTML and CSS?


Does anybody has lastest SAS certification dumps,if anybody hiii ,can some one mail me base sas certification dumps plzzz,very urgent. please mail me at reddyshalini3@gmail.com Thanks shalini


what is an added benefit for using vortex pumps?


Hi anybody have a latest juniper switching (JNCIA-EX) certification Dums coz i have exam on this 30 july and have nothing yet. i will be remain thankful. if anybody have then send to my mail mr.asadji@hotmail.com


I want to do a certification course on "corporate communication" let me know if anyone comeacross this


Please any one suggest me to write the certification in sap ABAP module


Can somebody please send me the TERADATAv12 Dumps on my mail id: mushahid.qureishi@gmail.com


1. The Write statement was written and suddenly the program was showing something different what can be the reason WRITE 'MOHAN'(001). a)User must have choosen a different language b) User must have made the line inactive at the Runtime. c)There must something different Written on the Text element . d)If nothing is mentioned in the Multilingual Table what will be the output. 2. how the Transaction Variant.will be helpful to the Enduser? a)hide the screen Field. b)To change the Flow Logic. c)To schedule background process 3. Rollback to be done at the dialog work process what will you write. a) Rollback work b) Message A c) Message E d) Rollback work at the End of the PAI. 4) Rollback at the LUW concept. a)You will write the Code at the PAI Block of the Each Dialog process b)You will write the Code ROLLBACK work at the End of the LUW PAI block. 5. Field statement regarding the CHAIN INPUT If the user has committed any wrong value on the one Field of the Cain Input. And what will be the syntax. a) Field Moudle Check Message E b) Field Moudle Check Message I c) Field Module check


How can we know the certificates are fake or not. I applied the Diploma Certificates from Bhihar State Board of Technical Education and Trainning but now i am getting some dought about this Certificates. so please tell me is their any site to know the Certificates Fake or Orginal


CMMI certification procedures


i am 18 years old and have located a college in usa which is favourable for me.i wanna ask that do i need to give a toefl test if i am going usa for language studies and one more thing, do i have to get toefl scores from some international institute or i can also get scores from my countrie's local institute which provide toefl tests.plzzzzzzzzz help me solve this confusion


Can anyone give me Teradata TA0-121 certification exam dumps.....If anyone has plz send me on my mail Id bpshekhawat@gmail.com Thanx in advance.................


Can any body mail me latest SAS advancce latest dumps at mhdirfn@aol.com


Is any Certification courses available for COBOL?