Certifications AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Are Silicon mutual funds and investment plans under SEBI registration and is it safe to invest in Silicon mutual funds?


Hai i am working in the field electrical installations.then what is the procedure to get electrical supervisor license plz sugest me mail me the answer kothapallikalyan@gmail.com


Fill in the blanks to acheive false as output of the third line float varA =_____; float varB = varA; System.out.println(varA == varB);


I am complietd DECE passing year 2006. But i am working ht line electrical field in Private textile company. How i can get electrical C liecense. Please clearify my doubt my no.9047566688


Does anyone got Latest TERADATA V14 Certification Dumps for the below? TE0-141 , TE0-142 Please share the dumps to mailid : kannan.tk@gmail.com Note: I'm new to TD and planing to do TD 14 certification , Please need me here


2 11894

what mean the NGO and need to rural poor

1 3656

hi ,i am going to give advance sas exm but i dnt have dumps so if any one have recently advance paper and answer please mail me- diffmail172@gmail.com tHank you



I am an diploma holder in electronics & communication engineering. Am I eligible to get c license.Pl let me about it.


I am planning to take informatica 9.x certification.Looking for Informatica 9.x certification dump.


SAP SD Interview Questions -Prepared by www.sapclient.com


1 5412

I studied btech in one of the university but i failed in some subjects so im editing all and trying to apply for ms in USA is there any problem..?? But i have all btech certificates of same college only..


Does import of CRNO slit coils requires BIS certification ?

CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs,


Please could any send me Informatica power center developer certification dumps @    tsailunet@gmail.com? Thanks in advance



Please could anyone send me WebSphere Application Server (WAS Admin) Technical questions/certification dumps @    yogesh.birje@gmail.com? Thanks in advance


why join as medical representative

Sun Pharma,


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Un-Answered Questions { Certifications AllOther }

Hii,freinds i have passed my b.tech this year in electrical and electronics engineering ,i am a average student so plz guide me how will i get good job in core industries ,should i do any automation course if yes than from which institute .


In sap sd what is the difference the cerification vode C_TSCM62_60 , C_TSCM62_62 and C_TSCM62_64 . Which one one should take if a fresher is taking which will add more value to resume.


I am planning to take informatica 9.x certification.Looking for Informatica 9.x certification dump.


can someone send me which is the best sas training institute in chennai?


Can anyone pls let me knnow is there any change in dump recently(in 2011 ) for IBM EXAM703 ?


If any one has Informatica or Teradata certification dumps., Please forward it to my mail. I'm preparing for these certifications. My mail id reacharadhana@gmail.com. Please do the needful.


how can get electrical supervisory competency certificate in state govt.


iam selected for sbi comes in sc quota in pu i have 47.5% and 51% in degree in call letter they have asked for 55% in pu and 35% in degree i have applied on the basis of degree will my pu percentage be a problem. help me at sunilningarajappa@gmail.com contact @ 09448742352


hi! i am a 3rd year engineering student pursuing a degree in computer science and engineering. i was wondering that would it be useful for me to join the IBM's CEIS program. they have said it is a 5 month program and would cost me Rs.71000. they have said that i would be placed in ibm. so would this course be of any use to me as i am an engineering student doing computer science and engineering.


i would like to learn free fluent english by online is this possible? could you gime some usefull websites to my mail id nagesh.iloveu64@yahoo.com


An update function module VF is called within subprogram VU .The program contains the call , VU on commit . At which point are the parameters for the update function VF evaluated ? a) when perform is executed b) at the beginning of function c) at commit work d) at start of v1 update e) at the end of the dialog step. Please answer only if you are very sure about this. Else please dont try.


Where can I get LAtest qtp 2010 exam questions ?


Are Silicon mutual funds and investment plans under SEBI registration and is it safe to invest in Silicon mutual funds?


Do you know at least 5 principles of an online system(IMS DC n CICS)?


i was rejected in 2011 for UK visa from gujarat ,india ..i lost that rejection letter..can any one who help me to tell me how to apply for rejected letter in UK embassy. Anybody please give me any idea or email id for it.. I hav tried a lot on www.gov.uk web site...please help me