how the prottons and neutrans are presented at the same nuclius, in fact opposite charges ore attract each oyher, so nuclear comes to fail
3 3903The velocity of a body was noted to be constant during five minutes of its motion. What was acceleration during this interval its?
630Post New Nuclear Physics Questions
What is fusion?
what are the significances of maxwell's thermodynamic equations.
give a brief description of spintronics in 5 minutes?
Explain the history of nuclear reaction?
What is fission?
How many types of faults occur in power system?Write all types?
i want give drug inspector exam ,, how i appear in this & now i am going to complete b.pharma.. also send me some coaching sites....& full syllabus information for drug inspector also any experience required for it& how much it ... which exams prefer upsc or states public service comission exam
What is the history of nuclear reaction?
advantage and disadvantage of bhopal tragedy
What happens if flattening filter comes in bettwwen treatment of 9 Mev electron beam theraphy.
What is a basic discription of a day of a nuclear physicist?
Tell me how asteroids are formed?
Tell me why is heavy water used as a moderator?
What is the rest mass energy of an electron?
Explain how is energy transformed in windmills?