Tell me is it possible that a nucleus has negative mass defect?
would know if the magnetic moment of 4He has been measured experimentally. Indeed, while 3He is given in the Rhagavan table, there is no mention of 4He. Of course it is theoretically zero but has this been verified by an EXPERIMENT?
Tell me why is heavy water used as a moderator?
Explain history of nuclear reaction?
How many types of faults occur in power system?Write all types?
Explain what is nucleus?
in the caase of transmission of data of OFC, the data will be carried by light energy, how the light energy is created? whether it s created by broad band connector or subscriber itself?
Tell me how asteroids are formed?
give a brief description of spintronics in 5 minutes?
i want give drug inspector exam ,, how i appear in this & now i am going to complete b.pharma.. also send me some coaching sites....& full syllabus information for drug inspector also any experience required for it& how much it ... which exams prefer upsc or states public service comission exam
Explain the history of nuclear reaction?
Explain the difference between cathode ray and beta ray?
What is a basic discription of a day of a nuclear physicist?
Explain how is energy transformed in windmills?
What happens if flattening filter comes in bettwwen treatment of 9 Mev electron beam theraphy.