Why is heavy water used as a moderator?

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Why is heavy water used as a moderator?..

Answer / srinivasvuppu

Heavy water is water highly enriched in the hydrogen
isotope deuterium.we can compare the neutron inatractions
with billiard ball collision, where neutron collids wth
nucleus of other automs & lose energey.If the colliding
nucleus size is small like hydrogen nucleus it will lose
maximum energey.If nucleus is hevy the neutron hits the
nucleus just changes its direction but not that much chnage
in the energy of neutron. So we use heavy water as
moderator to slow down neutrons.

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Why is heavy water used as a moderator?..

Answer / sam

above answer is partially correct as light water can also satisfy the same criteria. But in comparison to light water heavy water have less neutron absorption crossection. That means for heavy water natural uranium cen be used as fuel. but for light water enriched fuel is required.

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