Test Director Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Business Process?


What is the Purpose of Creating Child Requirement

1 4244

How do we write test cases for IVR(internet voice response).

3 15201

Explain about user authentication in TD related to OS?


How can we save the tests Executed in test lab?

2 4232

Which tool would be best for automation of DotNet?

2 3991

What is the main purpose to storing requirement in TD?

2 4261

how do you integrate Perl or shell automation scripts in TD?


how to map requirements with testcases in testdirector?

3 5747

Can we add user defined fields to Test Director?

1 3548

where are test cases stored in Test director?

2 5479

Explain about failure options in TD


How Many Types tab in Testdirector and explain it

6 8701

How to switch between two projects?

4 5528

Can I install Quality center in vista?

18 22268

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Un-Answered Questions { Test Director }

How do I run reports from test director?


What is the difference between winrunner and test director?


What is the Change management ?


Explain about user authentication in TD related to OS?


How do you ensure that there are no duplication of bugs in Test Director?


Can we map the defects directly to the requirements (not thru the test cases) in the test director?


How do you analyze your test results? What metrics do you try to provide?


What is Test Director's API execution tool(VAPI)?


Hi All, Im currently getting to grips with the Document Generator in Test Director and have a query. We use TD to link requirements to test cases and I am attempting to produce a report which lists the requirement and the test case it is linked to. I cant see a way to do this as the test case link info resides on the Coverage page and it appears the only field available to display for requirements reports within document generator as those on the 'details' tab. Any tips?


what are the type of testing and methodologies


Explain the procedure of connecting testdirector in qtp?


How many tabs in testdirector and explain them?


How to add test id to testplan?


what is the last version in TD to support for qtp?


What are the 3 views and what is the purpose of each view?