Test Director Interview Questions
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Iam trying to get a job in QA .Can any one please send me the website or link ,so that i can download the trial version thank u

2 4550

Can any one suggest me how to start preparing for a QA job? i started studying manual testing,is automated testing also required for interviews? thank u


3 7153

Anybody can explain What are Tabs in Test Director and What is the current version of QTP and TestDirector ...Thanks in advance....

Symphony, Wipro,

8 11338

Actually what is Quality center.. is it Test director only.. Anybody can explain it..Thanks in advance..


10 24000

how will you do execution workflow, creat and modify test sets


What do you mean by Requirment Coverage?

CarrizalSoft Technologies, Microsoft,

8 16346

can test cases we wroitten directly on td. wat else we can do in td

5 7164

please paste some qsns on QC...........



what was the advantage of Quality center? functions performed using Quality center? thanks in advance

Infosys, TCS,

1 10010

what would be purpose of Dashboard on Quality center? please provide me the advantage of dashboard? thanks in advance....

1 13217

how to import excel/word data into the test plan module of quality center 9.0


5 35403

how many ways are there to copy test cases in test director


Can any one tell how to install the TD in our system?



what iz d difference between TD an QC??....... :)


5 8338

what is RTM in test director?

4 7704

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Un-Answered Questions { Test Director }

After creating the test cases in excel and exported to td. How does test director know the headings?


Explain about user authentication in TD related to OS?


Can you retrieve a test case once you have deleted them in test director?


What is the main purpose of storing requirements in test director?


how can we see all fields in test director


How can we export multiple test cases from td in a single go?


Hi All, Im currently getting to grips with the Document Generator in Test Director and have a query. We use TD to link requirements to test cases and I am attempting to produce a report which lists the requirement and the test case it is linked to. I cant see a way to do this as the test case link info resides on the Coverage page and it appears the only field available to display for requirements reports within document generator as those on the 'details' tab. Any tips?


How do we import testcases written in excel to test director?


What are the 3 views and what is the purpose of each view?


What are the drawbacks of TD??


How many tabs in testdirector and explain them?


I installed TestDirector 7.6 on my PC which has windows media center edition. It was working fine in the begining. But now when I try to start it, I get the message, "cannot connect to databas. The data base version is older than 7.5, please update database". I am using MS Access as the database. Any help would be appreciated.


Can we map the defects directly to the requirements (not thru the test cases) in the test director?


What is Business Process?


What is quality center( test director)?