WinRunner Interview Questions
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In my application I was supposed to test two columns.The first column1 belongs to one module and the other column2 belongs to other module.The content in both the columns is same.I supposed to check whether the data present in the column1 is same as the one in column2. Each column contains number of rows.So checking each row manually is diificult.Is there any option available in WinRunner or QTP to check the column data.These two columns are available in Data Base Tables. One way is that I can just number of rows in each column so that I can get rows count of both the columns,but apart from that I was supposed to check whether the data is also same in both the tables. Can anybody suggest me how I can go about this.

1 3773

what is the difference between copy and call?

1 3567

soft key for virtual object wizard ?

Logica CMG,


Wat is the defferances between Test plan and devolopment plan?

3 4603

How you used WinRunner in your project?

1 3437

Explain WinRunner testing process?

2 4859

What is contained in the GUI map?

1 3436

How does WinRunner recognize objects on the application?

3 4695

Have you created test scripts and what is contained in the test scripts?

1 3195

How does WinRunner evaluate test results?

1 3895

Have you performed debugging of the scripts?

1 3450

How do you run your test scripts?

1 3760

How do you analyze results and report the defects?

1 3608

What are the different modes of recording?

Ordain Solutions,

2 4619

What is the purpose of loading WinRunner Add-Ins?

1 3897

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Un-Answered Questions { WinRunner }

Define parameterizing?


What is the use of gui map and what happens when gui map file get loaded?


How should we write and execute a user define function using WinRunner.


What is the use of test director testing tool?


How to find the local host name using winrunner ?


What is the purpose of different record methods?


Have you used winrunner in your project?


What is a checkpoint and what are different types of checkpoints?


What is the purpose of different record methods 1) record 2) pass up 3) as object 4) ignore.


what is the use of generate script that is avaliable 3 places(file settings, tools, object identification)


How do you suppress a regular expression?


What is the usage of Test case Design Techniques,in Integration/System Testing?


When do you feel you need to modify the logical name?


you hae a inbox and got a mail how can you know it is there or not write script.


what is mean by release in quality center and who will perfom?