What scripting language should tester know when his organisation using Automation tool like wise any tool? wht kind of script should tester should be familiar?
1 3954what is CMMI and CMM standards and what r software Quality certifications.please explain me clearly
3 6778what is two tier application? and what is three tier application?and what is the basic difference? explain with a example?
2 6388what is web application testing and what is the difference between a client server application and web server application?
3 7346even though automation tools are fast and reliable why do we go for manual testing..in almost 90% of the companies manual testing is used
5 7069What is the dirrerence in Bug Tracking Tool, Bug Reporting Tool and Test Management Tool? Please be clear in Detail.
1 5665developers take most of the time for coding and tester left very few time for testing say 2 days which testing u find best when ur project is run out of time and product is going to be released
3 5617Post New Manual Testing Questions
hello frens. Im Arun from the uk. im planning to apply for tester jobs with 3yrs experience. the problem is i dont have resumes. i have to mention atleast 3 projects (preferably financial projects) in my CV. im totally blank. can u plz send ur CV's to my email.... arunmoses1982@yahoo.com. this would be a great help from you guyz. n u need any help from me? just mail me n ill get in touch with u. Thanx.
How does a coverage tool work?
When new application ready to test than whats your testing strategies?
What is bidirectional traceability ??? and how it is implemented
Tell me about Agile scrum and what is your role in Scrum ?
How we will do Memory Testing? There is any tool to do that testing and to whome this testing to be performed?
How to derive test data from the design documents?
Hello Varun, Kindly send me the material as well as sample question papers as i am interested in doing the certification. Kindly help me out in this regard. Here is my mail ID: bjyothitesting@gmail.com
Why do you need to parameterize fields in your virtual user script?
what is difference between win 98 and win 2000 poertating system?which is better one?
what is base time , how can we base time your doc"s ?
I want to do certification in ISTQB please anybody hepl me with the details and site to refer for further details.............if possible give me the material as well on my mail id a.vishwakarma@aol.com. Please help me........Thanks
can u merge 10GUI map files into a single GUI map file in winrunner?
Difference between smoke and sanity testing
What are the review documents used for testing?