for example, if we have a textbox ranging from 0-100. which methodology we are using & what are inputs we are observed?
1 5232for example, we have old password,confirmed password, new password followed by submit button. what are the test cases written for that?
9 35076if we have normal testcase,it is failed, and regression testcase is also failed.what is the bug present in both the testcases?
6 9800if u have 10 inputs & you written 500 testcases for that.out of this u found 20 a tester how u found from which requirement that a particular defect will occur.
5 8652Post New Manual Testing Questions
How do you scope,organise and execute a test project.
What a team leader will test first when s/he will get new module to test?
What impact ratings have you used in your projects?
What is your Approach when you find 10 Sev-1 bugs in 50 test cases?
Please anyone give answers for all below questions and help ? realtimers please and please share your knowledge.lot of questions left unanswered.
1.what kind of testing have you done ?
What are the advantages of black box testing?
hi what are the test cases for web application..i need these example..please..mail me at
Am putting E-commerce project in my resume can any one please tell me about E-commerce application explaination..
What does entry and exit criteria mean in a project?
Beyond the customary advantages of having a testing group, what are the benefits does a company receive from a well run, automated testing group?
Please Provide me the link to download Testing Category questions and answers If some body has downloaded it pleae send it to me Pavan : Email Quetion2 : Can any body Explain me about Testing thumb rules
Hi, what do you mean by internal auditing? what are the things they do in internal auditing?what they review? THNX in Advance
Explain about PET Model?