Manual Testing Interview Questions
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what is the latest version of the win-runner?

1 4110

what are the differences between stub abd the driver ?


5 10307

What are the types defect tracking tools?


4 18057

what is analysis and interpretation of results?

Semantic Space,

3 9858

what are reviews in sdlc?

Semantic Space,

2 18290

what is analysizing test results & creating the bug reportts?

Semantic Space,

1 4356

what is test report?

Semantic Space,

4 6995

what is the basic purpose of functional & load testing?

Semantic Space,

5 10141

what is deffered defect?

Semantic Space,

8 15767

for example, if we have a textbox ranging from 0-100. which methodology we are using & what are inputs we are observed?

Semantic Space,

1 5166

what is walkthrough?

Semantic Space,

6 8483

for example, we have old password,confirmed password, new password followed by submit button. what are the test cases written for that?

Semantic Space,

9 34854

what is peer test?

Semantic Space, SoftProdigy,

2 20003

if we have normal testcase,it is failed, and regression testcase is also failed.what is the bug present in both the testcases?

Semantic Space,

6 9645

if u have 10 inputs & you written 500 testcases for that.out of this u found 20 a tester how u found from which requirement that a particular defect will occur.

Semantic Space,

5 8536

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Explain the manual testing process?


Hi If anyone from banglore want to know the real time senario like writting Test cases and how things actually happens in a company. I am taking a 2 hours class which will cover all the real time experiance and guidence for job. classes are counducted only at weekends. for further queries mail me at Vinodh Anandhan Software Test Engineer


Why testers wil prepare useracceptance testcases,system testcases and integration testcases,What is the differenece between all this test cases


If client give you a project then which testing you will perform first


send the senario template


how can u prepare the test plan?


write the test case for Bulb & Mobile phone


Why Equivalence Partitioning is called equivalence or what is the significance of equivalence term in ECP?


1.Enlist the types of testing performed for any window in sequence? 2.Use of edit_get_list function 3.Accuracy & Precision


What is the purpose of test strategy?


1.What is bidirectional traceability ??? and how it is implemented? 2.What is Automation Test frame work ? 3. Define the components present in test strategy? 4. Define the components present in test plan? 5. Have u written Test plan ?…. thank u!plz reply........


What is state transition?


What is fuzz testing?


name poneno dept sun 9894433467 computer This is the xls sheet a programs written to transfer this data into database write test cases and test scenario?


How do u determine,what to be tested?