WebMethods Interview Questions
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can u explain abt Pub-Sub Architecture,where do u implemented this?

Cap Gemini, Cognizant,

3 23558

Can U Explain JDBC Adapter Transaction types..?

Cap Gemini, LG CNS, STC, Tech Mahindra,

8 43096

What is the difference between DISABLING a Polling Notification and SUSPENDING a Polling Notification?

Cap Gemini, Satyam,

1 15903

What is the main difference between webservies 6.5 and webservies 7.1.2


1 9775

How you can implement finally block in flow services ?

Cap Gemini,

8 16385

how can try and catch block can be implemented using web methods developer ? tell the steps to implement it?

Interra IT,

3 16261

what is difference between groups and ACL groups


1 8920

Which value have to set for EnableAudit log while package replication?


1 4955

post me important interview question on webmethods


can any one please post Q and Ans for Trading Networks in webMethods



what is indices in MAP flow step?

1 7016

IS is thread or process ?


1 7997

How You Can Delete Session Logs On IS?

1 6737

what are the new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1?


4 8524

Who is Best Prime Minister of India

3 5411

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Un-Answered Questions { WebMethods }

Explain about pub-sub architecture, where do you implemented this?


If I have a parent sequence with the property set- exit on success, and the try sequence block set to exit on failure, and the catch sequence block too set to failure, what is the result?


how to configure sap adapter6.1


Explain what are the new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1?


Explain what is indices in map flow step?


in filepooling process the document is not updated in target location means its in error directory how to achieve this problem?


can we build loop step with in the branch in such a way that the interface is look like that branch sequence: Deposit loop xxxxxx sequence: current loop xxxxxxx sequence: savings loop can we achieve the above senario.


How to convert document list to document? If document list contain documents and documents contain strings field. How to convert?


can anyone explain in brief about TN Consloe and Webmethods...? As well as All flow steps in webmethods: Branch Repeat Loop Sequence (explain also Try -Catch block for error Handling)


how to configure sap adapter 4.1


post me important interview question on webmethods


How many minutes have you spent in your lifetime reading documentation or actually (gasp) working with any webMethods product on a real project?


How we can catch exception error on run time mode using flow language in webmethods?


What are the advantages of eai?


When we use repeate flow steps?