WebMethods Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What Is a Shutdown Service?

2 8002

What Is a Replication Service?

2 11052

What Is an ACL?

1 6623

What Happens When a Client Runs a Service with ACLs?

1 6716

How to Create an ACL?


4 17550

What Is a Lock?

1 5890

How to Know Who Has an Element Locked?

3 6910

When to Lock an Element?

1 4603

When to Unlock an Element?

3 6972

What is the difference between a system locked element and a read-only element?

3 9972

Can we multi-select elements to lock or unlock in the Navigation Panel?

1 6117

What happens to the locks on elements when we upgrade webMethods Integration Platform?

1 7063

In webMethods Integration Platform, where is the lock information stored (such as names of elements that are locked, when they were locked, etc.)?

2 9051

Should we archive derived files?

1 5535

What happens to the locks on elements when we replicate a package?

1 7156

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Un-Answered Questions { WebMethods }

Explain about pub-sub architecture?


How to convert document list to document? If document list contain documents and documents contain strings field. How to convert?


can we build loop step with in the branch in such a way that the interface is look like that branch sequence: Deposit loop xxxxxx sequence: current loop xxxxxxx sequence: savings loop can we achieve the above senario.


How we can catch exception error on run time mode using flow language in webmethods?


What are the advantages of eai?


Explain what is indices in map flow step?


Explain about pub-sub architecture, where do you implemented this?


When we use repeate flow steps?


can any one please post Q and Ans for Trading Networks in webMethods


how to configure sap adapter6.1


How many minutes have you spent in your lifetime reading documentation or actually (gasp) working with any webMethods product on a real project?


How many kinds of log files in webmethods?


If I have a parent sequence with the property set- exit on success, and the try sequence block set to exit on failure, and the catch sequence block too set to failure, what is the result?


When Should You Use Flow Diagram View?


how to configure sap adapter 4.1