Aptitude Questions Interview Questions
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A cow is standing 5 feet from the middle of the bridge .A train is at a distance of 2 times length of the bridge from direction in which cow is nearer to end of the bridge is coming at a speed of 90 miles/hour.If cow moves towards train it will be saved by 1 foot.If cow moves away from train it will be hit by three inches of cow (i)Find length of bridge (ii)Find cows speed

eLitmus, Infosys, TCS,

1 7769

A policeman buys some bunches of yellow bananas at 30 cents per bunch and red bananas 40 cents/bunch .He said if i have split the sum equally and bought bananas he would have got two more bunches find the amount he used it to buy bananas


3 6970

one women said ?I have three sons their ages are all less than ten,the product of the two younger sons is equal to the sons age who has greatest age and the sum of their ages is always a prime number.find their ages


5 7947

A polygon has 1325 diagonals. How many vertices does it have?


1 7718

A cube is made of a white material, but the exterior is painted black. If the cube is cut into 125 smaller cubes of exactly the same size, how many of the cubes will have atleast 2 of their sides painted black?


3 15156

Imagine a triangle of coins on a table so that the first row has one coin in it and the second row has two coins in it and so on. If you can only move one coin at a time, how many moves does it take to make the triangle point the other way?

4 11929

A man is going to an Antique Car auction. All purchases must be paid for in cash. He goes to the bank and draws out $25,000. Since the man does not want to be seen carrying that much money, he places it in 15 evelopes numbered 1 through 15. Each envelope contains the least number of bills possible of any available US currency (i.e. no two tens in place of a twenty). At the auction he makes a successful bid of $8322 for a car. He hands the auctioneer envelopes number(s) 2, 8, and 14. After opening the envelopes the auctioneer finds exactly the right amount. How many ones did the auctioneer find in the envelopes?

2 9621

The minute and the hour hand of a watch meet every 65 minutes. How much does the watch lose or gain time and by how much?


3 42187

There is a number that is 5 times the sum of its digits. What is this number? Answer is not 0.


2 14269

One sales man sold one box out of them and then he says, "I have the same number of red balls left out as that of blue." Which box is the one he solds out?

3 5469

Ekta got chocolates to give her friends on her Birthday. If she gives 3 chocolates to each friend, one friend will get only 2 chocolates. Also, if she gives 2 chocolates to each friends, she will left with 15 chocolates. How many chocolates Ekta got on her Birthday? and how many friends are there?

5 27508

Pooja and Esha met each other after long time. In the course of their conversation, Pooja asked Esha her age. Esha replied, "If you reverse my age, you will get my husbund's age. He is of course older than me. Also, the difference between our age is 1/11th of the sum of our age." Can you help out Pooja in finding Esha's age?

1 6318

A fish had a tail as long as its head plus a quarter the lenght of its body. Its body was three-quarters of its total length. Its head was 4 inches long. What was the length of the fish?

2 24616

Assume that you have just heard of a scandal and you are the first one to know. You pass it on to four person in a matter of 30 minutes. Each of these four in turn passes it to four other persons in the next 30 minutes and so on. How long it will take for everybody in the World to get to know the scandal?

3 14959

A B C D E F G H I Each of the digits from 1 to 9 is represented by a different letter above. Also, A + B + C = C + D + E = E + F + G = G + H + I = 13 Which digit does E represent?

7 10404

Un-Answered Questions { Aptitude Questions }

A man drives at a speed of 40 miles/hr while his friend drives at a speed of 50 miles/hr. If the friend leaves 30 minutes after the man, when are they going to meet?


What is the smallest number by which 2880 must be divided in order to make it into a perfect square ?


There are 4 married couples out of which 3 a group is needed . But thier should not be his of her spouse .How many groups are possible ?


Find the value of (1.99)2


9 cards are there. you have to arrange them in a 3*3 matrix. cards are of 4 colours.they are red,yellow,blue,green. conditions for arrangement: one red card must be in first row or second row.2 green cards should be in 3rd column.Yellow cards must be in the 3 corners only. Two blue cards must be in the 2nd row. At least one green card in each row.


A pipe can fill a tank in 30 min B can fill in 28 min then if 3/4 th of tank can be filled by B pipe and after wards bothare opened then how much time is required by both the pipes to fill the tank completely. note: the values of A and B may slitely vary be ware.


1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, . . . . . what is the next term in the series?


What is critical pedagogy?


It takes five minutes to pass a rumor from one person to two other persons. The tree of rumor continues. Find how many minutes does it take spread the rumor to 768 persons.


Financial aptitude


If 10x coins are added to the no. of original coins he has (5y + 1) times more coins. Find out how many coins he had originally in terms of x and y


Find the 8th term in series: 2, 2, 12, 12, 30, 30, - - - - -


How Can A Cake(circular) Be Cut Into 8 Pieces By Making Just 3 Cuts?


Find the missing word(...),ayw,gec,mki,sqo


There are some 20 Basketball players & 30 Football players, and 25 cricket players. 1 of them plays all the three games. 8 of them plays at least two games. They are 50 altogether. How many of them plays none of the games.