What is the use of web.config?
Explain boxing and unboxing in .net.
Explain the types of Scaffoldings.
If you are executing these statements in commandobject. Select * from table1; select * from table2? How you will deal result set? 42. How do you sort a dataset.
What is the advantage of mvc?
What is the difference between a class and an object, and how do these terms relate to each other?
How to create a set up in vb.net for desktop application please say steps with examples?
What is implement a generic action in webapi?
Explain about Behavioral design pattern?
What is .net viewstate?
inprocess vs out process session state : Dot net architecture
What is objectset? : Entity framework
Can you Explain
What is a windows based application?
What is connection pooling and how do you make your application use it?