Elaborate the term WebService and how it differ from Remoting?
difference between Response.write,server.transfer and also which one is used when ?
What is routeconfig.cs in mvc 4?
What are the types of assemblies in .net?
Describe the gac in the .net framework.
Explain when we use web service and when we use remoting?
mention what are the various methods provided by the dataset object to generate xml?
What is manifest in .net?
Tell us the difference between the while and for loop. Provide a .net syntax for both loops?
What is the purpose of cache? : Dot net architecture
what is csdl?
Name the property which is used to specify the source from where the crystal reports would be accessed.
What are two different types of remote object creation mode in .net?
What is the difference between old ADO.NET and Entity framework coding techniques?
Explain about httpruntime.cach.get(); method?