What is difference between Viewbag and Viewdata in ASP.NET MVC?
Does .NET runtime offer Deterministic Destruction or not?
What are library functions?
What are the types of remotable objects?
What are .net mobile controls features? : Microsoft dot net mobile
What is main objective of asp.net mvc 4 or what is new in mvc4 ?
What is layout in mvc?
I want to fetch data from datareader. i have three tables in datareader. i want to bind my two table with datagrid, then i want to fetch a value from my third table. do u have any idea pls help me. we use dr.nextresult() for multiple tables.
mention what is the key advantage of using entity framework or ef?
What is the use of runworkasync() methods?
How you apply a theme in whole application in .Net?
How do you instantiate a complex number?
Is .net 4.8 backwards compatible?
Explain what is asp.net mvc?
any one can explain about projectarchitecture and project approach briefly