Instrumentation Interview Questions
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why use squareroot in flow measurment by dp transmitter?

4 9251

what is modbus?and why use it?what benifit

2 5253

What are the materials available to prepare individually for competetive exams in Instrumentation field? Plz reply...


i am working in the automation company...i want to just know how actully pid control valves are tune????...

1 4058

how many type of plug are used in pneumatic control valve,name them.


2 4370

In E&I diagram what is the meaning of rectangular box and circular box


3 9327

What is standard of DCS panel design?and what is step of DCS panel design?wiring and type of connector(screw or DB connector)


what is the diffrene between DCS System and PLC System

5 7202

How 2 calibrate level tank having large height..?

2 5123

What are the key features of a Distributed Control System? describing the various layers (sensor through to business system interfaces) as well as the hardware, software and security aspects of the DCS.


Describe the functions of the Operator Interface including the considerations related to alarming and display layout/configuration/layers.


Describe the basis on which alarms should be generated and how their associated priority is determined

3 4016

In closed loop control there are several “blocks” used to show the interactions between the process and the control system. These blocks are referred to as the “process” and the “controller.” Describe the relationship between these two blocks when creating a well tuned control loop.

1 3198

Define the difference between a stable versus an unstable controlled system and some of the tools you might use to be able to detect when this is happening and assumptions used for control system application design that could contribute to instability


What inherent design and operating principles are included in a modern control system to use predictive maintenance practices to increase overall system reliability?


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Un-Answered Questions { Instrumentation }

What are the uses of orifice plates?


why using negative supply for bentley nevada vibration system ?


Drum level tx with GP4 with zero elevation:7300mmh20 on HP and 8050mmh2o on LP as range but on commissioning the tx readiing is max,Why this reading?


A length of steel pipe is used to carry sea water to a desalination plant. An adequate corrosion allowance must be specified and indicated in the piping specification, which affects the _________________________ of the pipe


Specific gravity.


How servomotor controls throttle valve of TURBINE?


how to calibrate electro pneumatic positioner 8013 mil controls ltd ?gsr


How signals can be taken through modbus?


How u measure the massflow in orifice flow measurement techniques


How to control flow variations in magnetic flow maters..... When i will provide proper earthing?


define feed forward control loop with example and drawing?


which type of filter gives the constant phase characteristics?


What is the difference between working pressure and calibration pressure of a control valve


Can anyone send most commonley asked Instrumentation questions and answers in cement industry please?


The company where I am working, their is rosemount 5400 series radar type level transmitter, it is meant to show level of filled tank, but along with the level it is showing temperature also, so my question is how a onon-contact type radar type level transmitter can show temperature even if it does not have any contact with the fluid?